Research Papers
TelegraphCQ Overview Papers
Sirish Chandrasekaran,
Owen Cooper,
Amol Deshpande,
Michael J. Franklin,
Joseph M. Hellerstein,
Wei Hong,
Sailesh Krishnamurthy,
Samuel R. Madden,
Vijayshankar Raman,
Fred Reiss, and
Mehul A. Shah.
TelegraphCQ: Continuous Dataflow Processing for an Uncertain World.
CIDR 2003.
Sailesh Krishnamurthy,
Sirish Chandrasekaran,
Owen Cooper,
Amol Deshpande,
Michael J. Franklin,
Joseph M. Hellerstein,
Wei Hong,
Samuel R. Madden,
Vijayshankar Raman,
Fred Reiss, and
Mehul A. Shah.
TelegraphCQ: An Architectural Status Report.
IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, Vol 26(1), March 2003.
Adaptive Dataflow Technology in Telegraph
- Fred Reiss,
Kurt Stockinger,
Kesheng Wu,
Arie Shoshani,
Joseph M. Hellerstein.
Enabling Real-Time Querying of Live and Historical Stream Data.
SSDBM 2007. [PDF]
- Fred Reiss,
Joseph M. Hellerstein.
Declarative Network Monitoring with an Underprovisioned Query Processor.
ICDE 2006. [PDF]
- Amol Deshpande,
Joseph M. Hellerstein.
Lifting the Burden of History from Adaptive Query Processing.
VLDB 2004. [PDF]
Sirish Chandrasekaran and
Michael J. Franklin.
Remembrance of Streams Past: Overload-Sensitive Management of Archived Streams.
VLDB 2004.
Sailesh Krishnamurthy,
Michael J. Franklin,
Joseph M. Hellerstein,
Garrett Jacobson.
The Case for Precision Sharing.
VLDB 2004. [PDF]
Mehul A. Shah,
Joseph M. Hellerstein,
and Eric Brewer.
Highly-Available, Fault-Tolerant, Parallel Dataflows ,
SIGMOD 2004.
Amol Deshpande.
An Initial Study of Overheads of Eddies.
SIGMOD Record, March 2004. [pdf]
- Mehul A. Shah,
Joseph M. Hellerstein,
Sirish Chandrasekaran, and
Michael J. Franklin.
Flux: An Adaptive Partitioning Operator for Continuous Query Systems. ICDE 2003. [PDF]
- Vijayshankar Raman,
Amol Deshpande, and
Joseph M. Hellerstein.
Using State Modules for Adaptive Query Processing. ICDE 2003.
- Sirish Chandrasekaran and Michael J. Franklin. Streaming Queries over Streaming Data. VLDB Conference, Hong Kong, August 2002.
- Samuel R. Madden, Mehul A. Shah, Joseph M. Hellerstein and Vijayshankar Raman. Continuously Adaptive Continuous Queries over Streams. ACM SIGMOD Conference, Madison, WI, June 2002.
- Vijayshankar Raman and Joseph M. Hellerstein. Partial Results for Online Query Processing. ACM SIGMOD Conference, Madison, WI, June 2002.
[Full version, PDF]
- Samuel R. Madden and Michael J. Franklin. Fjording the Stream: An Architecture for Queries over Streaming Sensor Data ICDE Conference, February, 2002, San Jose. [PDF]
- Mehul A. Shah, Samuel R. Madden,
Michael J. Franklin,
and Joseph M. Hellerstein.
Java Support for Data-Intensive Systems: Experiences Building the Telegraph Dataflow System ACM SIGMOD Record (30)4, Dec. 2001. [PDF]
Joseph M. Hellerstein
and Ron Avnur.
Eddies: Continuously Adaptive Query
Processing. In SIGMOD 2000.
Prior Work on Adaptive Dataflow from the Telegraph Group
- Tolga Urhan and Michael J. Franklin. Dynamic Pipeline Scheduling
for Improving Interactive Query Performance[PDF] VLDB Conference,
Sept. 2001, Rome.
- Tolga Urhan and Michael J. Franklin. XJoin: A Reactively-Scheduled Pipelined Join Operator. IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin 23(2): 27-33 (2000).
- Vijayshankar Raman, Bhaskaran Raman, and Joseph M. Hellerstein.
Online Dynamic Reordering. The VLDB Journal, 9(3), 2000. [HTML at Springer-Verlag]
(Initial version appeared in VLDB 99. [Postscript).
- Peter J. Haas and Joseph M. Hellerstein. Ripple Joins for Online Aggregation. ACM-SIGMOD Conference, Philadelphia, June, 1999. [PDF]
Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau,
Eric Anderson,
Noah Treuhaft,
David E. Culler,
Joseph M. Hellerstein,
David A. Patterson,
Katherine Yelick.
Cluster I/O with River: Making the Fast Case Common
Surveys and Overviews
Joseph M. Hellerstein.
From Database to Dataflow: New Directions in IT.
Medical Records Institute Health IT Advisory Report 3(6) (2002).
Michael J. Franklin.
Challenges in Ubiquitous Data Management.
Informatics: 10 Years Back, 10 Years Ahead (Dagstuhl 10th Anniversary Symposium), LNCS #2002, R. Wilhiem (ed)., Springer Verlag 2001
Joseph M. Hellerstein,
Michael J. Franklin,
Sirish Chandrasekaran,
Amol Deshpande,
Kris Hildrum,
Sam Madden,
Vijayshankar Raman, and
Mehul A. Shah.
Adaptive Query Processing: Technology in Evolution.
IEEE Data Engg. Bulletin, 2000.
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