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Telegraph CQ Getting Started Document

System Requirements

The TelegraphCQ system was developed on RedHat Linux x86 and MacOS 10.2 and has only been built on these platforms.

Early-access Software

Thank you for trying the TelegraphCQ 0.2 alpha release!

This release is an early-access implementation that has NOT been
optimized for performance or verified through rigorous quality testing.
This version is research code, and we highly recommend that you back up
any existing, critical data before running it.

We'd love to hear back about any problems you face.

Please let us know if you are using TelegraphCQ for any applications.
You can send feedback to

Software Requirements

In addition to the software required to build and run PostgreSQL, the TelegraphCQ distribution requires the following additional packages:

NOTE: Depending on the install location you use for the software packages listed below, you may need to pass the --with-libraries and--with-includes options to the configure script so that it can find the appropriate libraries and include files during the build configuration process.

ALL Platforms

  1. OSSP MM:  TelegraphCQ uses this open source shared memory library as the basis for a shared memory version of  the PostgreSQL  memory allocater.  The Telegraph system requires at least version 1.2.1 of this library.  It can be obtained at the following URL: 


  1.  Mac OS X does not contain the poll system call, and instead uses select.  Mac users must obtain and install a poll emulation library.  The  TelegraphCQ system has been tested with the poll-emulator library available at:
  2. The demo application requires the following extra software, which is not included in MacOS X:
    1. GNU wget: The demo source uses this program to read traffic sensor data from the network.  wget can be installed via fink, or using the the following tarball.
    2. GNU awk: Although a version of awk is installed with MacOS X,  the demo source requires features of GNU awk.  gawk can be obtained using fink, or using the the following tarball.
  3. The PostgreSQL interactive query utility will use the GNU readline library, if available, to provide history for commands entered into psql.  This library is not installed on MacOS X, but can be obtained via fink, or using the the following tarball.

Building the System

  1. Install the software listed in the system requirements section above
  2. Follow the directions listed in the PostgreSQL INSTALL file to build the system and create a database.  Remember to include the options mentioned above to name the install locations of any required libraries and include files.  Here is the abbreviated version:
    1. set up the following environment variables:
      The top level directory where the TelegraphCQ installation should be placed during the make install command
      The name of the database which will be created during the install process
      The path to the directory which will contain your database.  This directory will be created by the initdb command

    2.     ./configure    --enable-depend --prefix=${INSTALLDIR} --with-includes=extra-include-directories --with-libraries=extra-library-directories

      turn on dependency checking
      set the top level directory into which 'make install' will install TelegraphCQ
      name any additional include file directories which might be needed by configure when searching for various features (e.g. mm, poll, readline)
      name any additional library directories which might contain libraries needed by configure when searching for various features (e.g. mm, poll, readline)
    3. gmake
    4. The PostgreSQL install guide recommends that you create a new user which will own the database files and run the server.  The next steps are to create a data directory and change permissions on that directory to the correct user.  If you have created a new user, switch to that user and continue with the remainder of the installation steps
    5. gmake install
    6. ${INSTALLDIR}/bin/initdb --no-locale -D ${PGDATA}
    7. ${INSTALLDIR}/bin/pg_ctl start -D ${PGDATA} -llogfile
    8. ${INSTALLDIR}/bin/createdb ${DBNAME}
    9. ${INSTALLDIR}/bin/pg_ctl start -D ${PGDATA}

NOTE: Although the procedure outlined above is the minimum necessary to get the system up and running, most users will want to set up demonstration streams.  This can be done by using the 'make tcqdemosetup' makefile target instead of executing steps 5-9 above.  Please see the examples section of this document for more information on the sample streams that are set up.

NOTE 2: TelegraphCQ 0.2 requires its own data directory and databases.  It will NOT work with databases from other Postgres or TelegraphCQ releases.  Make sure that PGDATA points at an empty directory or a previously created TelegraphCQ 0.2 database before running the setup steps above.

Starting TelegraphCQ

The TelegraphCQ system has been designed to integrate with standard PostgreSQL As a result, you may start the postmaster in one of two ways:

  1. In normal PostgreSQL mode:  In this mode, streaming queries will not be available, but standard queries against PostgreSQL relations will work.
  2. In TelegraphCQ mode: queries that do not involve streams will be processed in the same way as regular Postgres queries.  Queries that involve streams will be processed using the TelegraphCQ executor.

To start the system in TelegraphCQ mode, supply the following additional arguments to the postmaster at startup:

-t database This option tells the TelegraphCQ executor the name of the database it should use to run queries.
-u username This option tells the TelegraphCQ executor the name of the user running the queries
-G Tells the TelegraphCQ executor to run queries using the CQEddy executor.
The port the TelegraphCQ Wrapper Clearinghouse uses to accept connections. The default port is 5533

For example, to start TelegraphCQ with the Telegraph executor running in the context of the user named telegraph user and the database named telegraphdb, issue the following command:

pg_ctl start -o "-t telegraphdb -u telegraphuser -G"  -l /tmp/tcq.log

Note that the above command assumes that you have already initialized and created the database telegraphdb and created the telegraph user according to the procedure specified in the PostgreSQL documentation, and have set the PGDATA environment variable to indicate the directory that contains the telegraphdb database.  The log output will be placed in the file /tmp/tcq.log.

Client Applications

Client applications must be written to accommodate continuous queries.  In particular, because continuous queries never end,  client applications should use cursors to bound the size of any particular result set returned from the server.  

The PostgreSQL query client, psql, has been modified to submit SELECT queries using cursors, and to fetch the result in batches.

Psql now accepts the following new arguments:

-C Submit select queries using cursors.
-I n Query results will be fetched from the server in batches of n rows.
The default value for n is 1
-i m The query will be canceled after retrieving m rows.
By default the query will run until canceled by the user.

For more information on PostgreSQL cursor support, please see the documentation for the DECLARE CURSOR,FETCH, and CLOSE PostgreSQL SQL commands.

Overview of the TelegraphCQ Architecture

Unlike standard PostgreSQL which uses a separate process to serve each client connection, TelegraphCQ runs all queries in a single PostgreSQL executor so that query processing work may be shared amongst queries.  

As shown in the Architecture diagram below,  a separate  PostgreSQL process is forked for each client connection.  This process runs all queries that do not involve streams using the normal PostgreSQL executor.  When PostgreSQL receives a continuous query, the front end parses and plans the query in shared memory.  The front end uses the output of the PostgreSQL optimizer to construct a continuous query plan.  Next, the frontend passes the plan to the TelegraphCQ backend executor using a shared memory queue.  The backend receives the plan, and integrates it into the TelegraphCQ Eddy.  Finally, the eddy returns results to the appropriate Postgres front end processes via shared memory result queues.

TelegraphCQ Archetecture

The TelegraphCQ Executor: Sharing Explained

The TelegraphCQ executor is a Continuous Query Eddy.  An eddy is a routing operator that contains a number of modules that perform work on behalf of queries, and a number of sources that provide input data.  The eddy obtains data from sources, determines which modules a particular tuple must visit before processing completes.  After a tuple has visited all required modules, it is output by the eddy.    

The continuous query plan consists of a number of distinct modules:

filters These represent single-table qualifications in the query. They are always of the form column OP constant. These filter modules will be merged together by the eddy to form a grouped filter which can evaluate filter predicates for multiple queries simultaneously.
SteMs The building blocks for continuous query joins. A SteM holds tuples for a particular base relation or stream, and can be probed efficiently to find data tuples which match a probe tuple.
Table or Stream Scans These scans are used to obtain data from TelegraphCQ streams or regular PostgreSQL relations.

Data Acquisition Mechanisms in TelegraphCQ

TelegraphCQ acquires data from external sources into streams.  These sources must connect to the TelegraphCQ system and identify themselves prior to sending data. User-defined data acquisition functions called wrappers allow substantial flexibility as to how that data is processed prior to entry into the Telegraph system and insertion into a stream.  

User-defined wrapper functions manage reading data from a networked source, processing it, and returning it to system in the appropriate format.  These functions are declared and managed using the PostgreSQL user-defined function infrastructure.  A dedicated wrapper clearinghouse process accepts connections from new data providers,  calls the appropriate wrapper functions in response to data arrival or other events such as connection termination or after a specified period of inactivity, and routes data tuples  returned by the wrappers to the corresponding streams.


A stream appears to the user as if it were any other PostgreSQL table, and is created using PostgreSQL DDL which is similar to the create table command.  A stream may be either archived or unarchived.  An unarchived stream is never backed by disk storage, and is implemented in terms of shared-memory queues.   An archived stream uses an append-only access method to pass tuples to the rest of the system.  

Streams are created using the DDL command CREATE STEAM which has the following syntax:

CREATE STREAM streamname (colname datatype, …) type ARCHIVED | UNARCHIVED

ARCHIVED streams will take data that is received from the wrapper and insert it into a relation named ‘streamname’.
 UNARCHIVED streams use shared memory queues to communicate results between the wrapper clearinghouse process and the executor which scans the source.

Streams must have at one column named tcqtime and of type typestamp.  In addition this column must have the TIMESTAMPCOLUMN constraint defined on it.  Telegraph uses this column as the timestamp for windowed query operations.  Please see the CREATE STREAM command in the SQL Reference guide.

Data Sources

TelegraphCQ supports acquiring data from two different types of sources.  PUSH sources initiate a connection to TelegraphCQ, send some configuration information, and then send data rows to the system.  PULL sources provide a way for Telegraph to initiate requests for data from other data sources.

Please see the TelegraphCQ Wrapper Clearinghouse Documentation to learn how to write user-defined wrapper functions and create sources.
For information on integrating Web based data sources with TelegraphCQ, please look here

Introspective Query Processing: self-monitoring capability

TelegraphCQ has some special streams that report information about the state of the system.  Please look here for more information on this feature.

Windows and Streams

Unlike normal relations, data streams typically do not end.  It is therefore useful to be able to define windows, or subsets of the streams, which participate in a query result.

Each stream has a special time attribute that TelegraphCQ uses as the tuple’s timestamp for windowed operations.  Windows on a stream are defined in terms of a time interval relative to the most recently arrived tuple.    The timestamp for a join tuple is defined as the maximum stream timestamp contained in the composite tuple.  

The creation of a new tuple that has a stream timestamp greater than any seen so far marks the beginning of a new window for query operations.

Running Queries Over Streams

Queries over data streams are run using the SQL SELECT statement.  Queries that contain streams do not support the full SELECT syntax, and also include and extra WINDOW clause to specify the window size for stream operations.  

The modified SELECT statement has the following form:

SELECT <select_list>
FROM <relation_and_<pstream_list>
WHERE <predicate>
GROUP BY <group_by_expressions>
WINDOW stream[interval], ...
ORDER BY <order_by_expressions>;

The window clause may contain one window_expression per stream in the query.  A window expression specifies the correlation name for the stream and the size of the sliding window expressed as a PostgreSQL interval datatype.

All other clauses in the SELECT statement behave like the PostgreSQL select statement with the following additional restrictions:

  1. windows may not be defined over PostgreSQL relations
  2. where clause qualifications that join two streams may only involve columns, not column expressions or functions.
  3. where clause qualifications that filter tuples must be of the form column op constant
  4. The where clause may contain AND, but not OR
  5.  subqueries are not supported
  6.  GROUP BY and ORDER BY select clauses may only appear if the query also contains a window. 


The following pages from the SQL Reference Guide describe TelegraphCQ features:


TelegraphCQ ships with a series of scripts which set up several example streams.  These scripts are located in the src/test/examples/demo directory of the distribution. 

To make it easy to run these scripts, run the command 'make tcqdemosetup'  from the top level Makefile.  Make sure to set the PGDATA environment variable to the location where the postgres data directory is (or will be) located.  This makefile target will:

1. run initdb and then create a database  called sample if the directory pointed to by ${PGDATA} does not exist
2. run the refresh script in the demo directory.  This will clean up existing database objects and recreate  them.  It will then start
     up the datasources which provide data to the streams. 

Once this script runs, the following streams will be set up:

A stream which reports the speed of traffic at various locations.  updates are obtained each minute.
data about current traffic incidents in the San Francisco Bay Area
Displays tcp packets currently entering your system as provided by tcpdump.  In order for this source to work, tcpdump must be executable must be suid root.
Obtain a stock quote from a web site.  A value for the symbol column must be specified (either through reference to another table or stream, or via a constant) in order to get results.

Sample Queries

At this point, you are ready to start the source application that will provide data to the measurements stream and run some queries over it.  

To run queries:
  1. Start the psql client as follows: psql –C databasename
  2. At the psql prompt, type a query such as: select * from measurements;
  3. Provided that the data source is currently sending information, tuples should appear in your psql client.  When you are finished viewing query results, press control-C to cancel the query.
  4. You may now submit additional queries if desired

Here are some sample queries to get you started:

FROM traffic.measurements
See the sensor readings as they become available.
FROM traffic.measurements m
WHERE speed > 65
See readings for sensors where the traffic is speeding.
SELECT m.speed,
FROM traffic.measurements m, traffic.station s
WHERE m.stationId = s.stationId
See the speed and the name of each sensor
ms.stationId,, s.highway,
s.mile, AVG(ms.speed)

FROM traffic.measurements ms, traffic.station s
WHERE ms.stationId = s.stationId
s.highway, s.mile
HAVING ms.stationId > 999406
WINDOW ms ['30 minutes']
Get the average speed values from the sensors. Each average will be computed using a 30 minute sliding window of sensor data. The average values will be recomputed and sent to the user any time a data item arrives that changes the data set.
select * from web.quotes where symbol='ORCL'
obtain a stock quote for Oracle
select * from network.tcpdump
monitor TCP packets

More Information

For more information on the TelegraphCQ project, and to keep up to date with future developments, please visit the Telegraph web page at

Users who want an overview of the TelegraphCQ implementation in its current state should refer to the the paper:

TelegraphCQ: An Architectural Status Report: [PDF]  
Sailesh Krishnamurthy, Sirish Chandrasekaran, Owen Cooper, Amol Deshpande, Michael J.   Franklin, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Wei Hong, Samuel R. Madden, Fred Reiss, Mehul   Shah.  
To appear in: IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin.

Other papers relating to TelegraphCQ referenced in this document:

TelegraphCQ: Continuous Dataflow Processing for an Uncertain World.  [PDF]
Sirish Chandrasekaran, Owen Cooper, Amol Deshpande, Michael J. Franklin, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Wei Hong, Sailesh Krishnamurthy, Samuel R. Madden, Vijayshankar Raman, Fred Reiss, and Mehul A. Shah.
CIDR 2003

Continuously Adaptive Continuous Queries over Streams. [PDF]
Samuel R. Madden, Mehul A. Shah, Joseph M. Hellerstein and Vijayshankar Raman. Continuously Adaptive Continuous Queries over Streams.
ACM SIGMOD Conference, Madison, WI, June 2002.

Using State Modules for Adaptive Query Processing [PDF]
Vijayshankar Raman, Amol Deshpande, Joe Hellerstein
Intl. Conf. on Data Engineering, 2003


We are grateful for comments and suggestions from other members of the database systems research group at Berkeley, as well as researchers who are building similar systems in other groups. This work has been supported by National Science Foundation awards IIS-0208588, IIS-0205647, IIS-0086057 and SI0122599 as well as funding from Microsoft, IBM, Intel and the UC MICRO program.

The rapid development of TelegraphCQ was made much easier by our ability to use and integrate with the PostgreSQL code base, and by our use of the OSSP MM Shared Memory Allocation library as the basis for the newly added shared memory context.

The WebQuery components of this system use client portions from the W3C Jigsaw project.