Introspective Query Processing

TelegraphCQ supports introspective queriesthe state of the system. This is achieved through the dynamic catalog - a new feature in TelegraphCQ. In a traditional RDBMS, the system catalogs are used to store meta-data of user data. This meta-data could be queried just like user data. In the same vein, the TelegraphCQ dynamic catalog is used to store data that represents events happening in the system. This data appears continuously in three special streams that can be queried like any user stream.

This feature is not totally integrated in TelegraphCQ yet. To activate the feature, the appropriate DDL statements (in src/test/examples/dyncat/dyncat.sql) must be executed against your database, after which TelegraphCQ must be restarted. Once this is done, you may write queries against the dynamic catalog streams.

Dynamic Catalog Streams

Currently, TelegraphCQ supports three dynamic catalog streams - tcq_queries, tcq_operators and tcq_queues. The tcq_queries stream captures events corresponding to the entry and exit of queries in the system. The tcq_operators stream captures events corresponding to changes in operators in the system. The entry of a query causes either an operator to be added or folded into an existing operator. Similarly, the exit of a query causes either an operator to be unfolded from an existing operator or removed from the system. The tcq_queues stream captures events corresponding to the queues associated with each operator. Each operator has an input and and output queue, and tuples are enqueued to and dequeued from these queues. For each such operation a tuple appears on the tcq_queues stream.

The following tables describe in detail the schemas of each of these streams.


Column Type Description
tcqtime timestamp without time zone Timestamp of the event
qrynum integer Sequentially increasing query number
qid integer Result queue associated with this query
kind character(1) Nature of the event:

'E' - Entry

'X' - Exit

qrystr character varying(1000) Query string


Column Type Description
tcqtime timestamp without time zone Timestamp of the event
opnum integer Sequentially increasing operator number
opid integer Current operator identifier associated with this operator
numqrs integer
kind character(1) Nature of the event:

'E' - Enter operator (brand new operator created)

'A' - Add query to operator (operator folded with existing operator)

'R' - Remove query from operator

'X' - Exit operator

qid integer Queue that corresponds to the query that caused this operator event
opstr character varying(1000) Exact textual description of the Node data structure corresponding to this operator
opkind character(1) Nature of this operator

'F' - FSteM

'G' - GSFilter

'M' - ScanModule

opdesc character varying(100) Readable textual description of the expression associated with this operator


Column Type Description
tcqtime timestamp without time zone Timestamp of the event
opid integer Operator associated with this queue
qkind character(1) Nature of this queue

'I' - Input Queue

'O' - Output Queue

kind character(1) Nature of the event

'E' - Successful enqueue

'F' - Failed enqueue

'D' - Successful dequeue

'N' - NULL dequeue