host | The host you want to contact (i.e. This should never contain anything but a host name, do not put something like here, just put |
url | the subdirectory on the host you want (i.e. /search.cgi) |
method | get/post/questionmark (see documentation) |
arguments | The arguments to the web page. Text and checkbox inputs can be left out but radio button and dropdown menus have to be included as they always have a value. To be absolutly safe you can include everything except the submit inputs. |
columns | The columns that this scan returns |
defaultx | The default value of argument x (1 indexed) |
prefix | The text that marks the start of the table |
termination | The text that marks the end of the table |
rowprefix | The text that marks the beginning of each row |
rowterm | The text that marks the end of each row |
columnincludesignature | Include the signature for all columns |
ColName_prefix | The text that marks the beginning of the column named ColName |
ColName_term | The text that marks the end of the column named ColName |
ColName_transform | A perlesque transform, s/a/b would replace all a's in ColName with b's |
ColName_includeprefix | Include the prefix and term of this column in the result |
filter | Ignore any rows found that have the text specified in them |
bracket | If this is found at the beginning of a column it must also be at the end |
host | This is the host that you want your wrapper to contact. This is not a fully specified url. If you wanted to look at the page you would specify here. |
url | This is the resource that you want to retrieve on the remote host. If you wanted you would specify /linux/search.cgi here. |
method |
get performs an html get request by appending &property=value for each argument. post will create a post string out of all the arguments and post it to the server. questionmark will simply append the argument(s) after a questionmark to the url string. If you know of another way of sending query data send it in, we would certainly like to support as many ways of doing this as possible. |
arguments | A comma delimited list of arguments that you want to send in the query. These should be obtained from the html form that sends in the query you want to run. Text inputs need not be specified, however, checkboxes, radio buttons, and select menus usually all have to be specified. |
columns | A comma delimited list of the coulmns that this scan will return. You must specify delimeters for all the columns in this list |
defaultx | The default value for argument x. This list is 1 indexed so if your list looks like argument=arg1,arg2,arg3 then default1=blah sets arg1's default value to blah. |
prefix | A regular expression specifying the text that delimits the start of the TeSS table. |
termination | A regular expression specifying the text that delimits the end of the TeSS table. |
rowprefix | A regular expression that specifies the text that starts each row. This will only be searched for after the prefix text has be found and after the prefix appears in the result text. |
rowterm | A regular expression that specifies the text that ends each row. After the start text is found the end text is searched for and everything in between is considered a row and searched through for columns. |
columnincludesignature |
Tells TeSS that it should include the signature for all columns. For example: If you had colname_prefix=a and colname_term=b and the row looked like this is a really big rowthen if columnincludesignature is not specified colname would be reallybut if it was specified it would be a really b |