Package net.tinyos.tinydb

Interface Summary
CatalogListener CatalogListener notifies listeners when an attribute is added to the catalog.
QueryExpr Abstract interface for all kinds of expressions that can appear in a query

Class Summary
AddAttrPanel AddAttrPanel displays a dialog that allows a user to specify a new (constant valued) attribute to add to the catalog.
AggExpr Class to represent an aggregation expression.
Catalog Catalog manages a list of attributes that are available to TinyDB queries.
CmdFrame Command frame presents a simple UI for sending a variety of TinyDB control messages into the network.
CmdLineOutput CmdLineOutput runs queries and displays results on the command line.
CommandMsgs Class with static functions to generate message arrays that can be used to invoke commands on Db motes.
DBLogger DBLogger is repsonsible for logging query results to Postgres.
DemoApp Simple standalone demo application to run a query and print out the results.
FixedSizeField FixedSizeField is a JTextField that is constrained to be a fixed number of characters wide
MagnetFrame MagnetFrame is a simple visualization to display an XDIM x YDIM array that represent a grid of sensors and to darken circles representing sensors whose magnetometer readings go above some threshold.
NumberField NumberField is a JTextField that constrains its contents to contain only numbers.
QueryField Class representing a named field in a query
QueryResult QueryResult accepts a query result in the form of an array of bytes read off the network (and a query) and parses the results and provides a number of utility routines to read the values back.
ResultFrame ResultFrame displays a scrolling list with results from queries in it, side-by-side with a graph of query results when such results are available.
SelExpr SelExpr represents a selection expression; selection expressions are of the form: WHERE (field fieldOp fieldConst) OP value Where field is a field in the query, value is an integral value, and op is a SelOp.
TinyDBMain TinyDBMain creates the main UI for the TinyDB java classes.
TinyDBNetwork TinyDBNetwork is responsible for getting and sending results and queries over the network
TinyDBQuery TinyDBQuery is a Java data structure representing a query running (or to be run) on a set of motes.